Using Angular guard and query params to manage local storage
HTML Local Storage can be a nice tool to preserve transient data over several page visits, e.g. when reloading...
Fixing SVG url() in coexistence with „base“ for Safari
The url() function is a mightly tool if used with SVG definitions, since you can reference an element by...
Angular Material: mat-error with custom ControlValueAccessor
Since I’m getting more and more on the Angular frontend train, also some annoying problems arise, which I want...
DWX 2017 Session: ASP.NET Core Middlewares
It’s a while since I hold my session about „ASP.NET Core Middlewares“ at German DWX Developer Week 2017 in...
ASP.NET Core 1.0 RTM is coming!
Finally, after many windings down the road, Microsoft announced a more concrete schedule for .NET Core 1.0 and ASP.NET Core 1.0:...
Gulp running Karma: getting rid of formatError in gulp.js
Did you ever run Karma inside a Gulp task? Then you perhaps have such a Gulp task setup: gulp.task('karma:chrome',...
OData/Entity Framework: filter child collections
Imagine you want to query a set of entities with OData and/or Entity Framework and do an $expand/Include() on child...
ASP.NET Core/IIS: serving content from a file share
There are situations, when you want to serve static content with your application, that is not part of it, e.g. because...