Quick tip: digging deeper into Gulp

Quick tip: digging deeper into Gulp
Gulp Logo

Everybody uses Gulp, the streaming build system. But nearly nobody knows the internals. What is vinyl and what is vinyl-fs? The following links gives some valuable explanation: gulp – The vision, history, and future of the projecWriting for Streams and Vinyl… not Gulp and Getting gulpy.

And since we are driving towards Gulp 4 and there will be some big changes, the following links will be interesting: Gulp 4: The new task execution system and Current Gulp 4 Changelog.


Ich bin freiberuflicher Senior Full-Stack Web-Entwickler (Angular, TypeScript, C#/.NET) im Raum Frankfurt/Main. Mit Leidenschaft für Software-Design, Clean Code, moderne Technologien und agile Vorgehensmodelle.

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